Monday, 10 October 2011

Country Fair Bethal South Africa

(posted by Dr Neels du Preez)

It was a chilly Friday when the much anticipated Christian Country Fair weekend dawned. The fair was hosted on the grounds of one of the 2 Primary Schools in our town. 

 It was an initiative of the local Afrikaanse Protestante Church 
Congregation to have a weekend country fair where the local 
agricultural machinery agencies, schools, social 

societies and churches come together to advertise, exhibit their wares, advertise their activities and provide an outdoor stage for Gospel singers to perform. 

 The pictures say a thousand words. 

Our congregation was invited to put up a stall to sell “Vetkoek”. 

This is a typical South African delicacy. It consists of dough cooked in oil which is divided in half and filled with whatever you fancy. It can be mince meat, honey, jam, chicken etc. On this occasion we filled them with mince meat which was either curried, mixed with cooked vegetables or plain mince. 

There was a playground as well pony rides. 

 Although our concept of church unity and evangelism differs we decided to use the opportunity to make ourselves more visible in the Bethal community. It afforded the opportunity to add a drop to our congregation coffers. It also presented an occasion to our congregation members to be involved with an activity in the Bethal community. 

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