(Text by Br Neels Du Preez)
What a pleasant visit we enjoyed from Bert Veenendal. He arrived on our farm on the Friday evening.
It was bitterly cold. We had a hot supper and he proved an entertaining guest. We initially thought he was born in the Netherlands, but it became apparent he was born in Canada. As a young man he went on a working holiday to Australia and never returned to Canada. We were impressed to learn that our guest was actually a Professor! He told us about his department at university, life in Australia, the church, and his involvement with the church and it`s affairs. The next morning the water was frozen in the farm pipes. Early morning washing was out. Fortunately he took it all in his stride.
Saturday morning was spent discussing the needs of the Bethal congregation with our minister and myself. We appreciated the fact that the Australian churches has questions regarding how their support is and whether the members of church in Bethal put in an effort to support their minister and the true preaching of the Word in their congregation. Saturday afternoon and supper in the evening Bert spent with our minister and his family.
Sunday morning He attended our morning service. Following the service Bert presented our congregation with a power point presentation of the churches in Australia.
We were impressed. We have to be wary not to be envious of the beautiful church life in Australia, of the schools the church is blessed with, of the wonderful growth of the church in West Australia, of the the stimulating outreaches to other countries and islands and of the stability the church enjoys there. The church in Australia is truly blessed. We pray the Lord continues His blessing and we are so thankful that our small congregation is considered by the church in Australia. We in turn are truly blessed.
The womenfolk of our congregation prepared several traditional South African soups for Sunday lunch. Bert savoured each of them.
Bert attended the Consistory meeting after the evening service. He taught us that tithing, amongst other acts of thanksgiving, is a measure of the faithfulness of the members. He stressed that Spiritual growth is more important than growth in numbers. If the churches in Australia are satisfied that the preaching is true, there is spiritual growth, obedience and faithful commitment of the Bethal congregation to the Lord, the members in Australia will continue their support with all their heart. We do realise that they have to distribute the blessings they receive from the Lord responsibly. He encouraged us to put all our effort into maintaining the true Gospel here in our town. Not to live our lives for ourselves and grant the Lord the little time and effort what we have left, but rather to apply our lives faithfully and totally in the service of the Lord.
Bert Veenendal was a phantom e-mail correspondent before he arrived. He left as a friend a brother in Christ.