(posted by Marietjie)
This is how we advertised the project on 500 Afrikaans flyers that were distributed at two of the Primary Schools in Bethal. It was really fun. The children enjoyed the three days. The first day there were 18 children. The Tuesday there were 28 children and the last day 26.
This totally exceeded our expectations. It was a wonderful answer to our prayers because it is our belief that this is what the Lord wants us to do.
The children already want to know if this will happen every holiday!
Everyday we started with prayer and a Bible story.
On Monday it was the story of Daniel, Tuesday it was about Jonah and on Wednesday, The Prodigal son. After the story, we sang Children’s hymns and also learnt a new one about Daniel.
Afterwards we “cut and paste” and “coloured in” about the stories. The children also enjoyed the homemade clay as well as all the outside games very much.
Colouring in
Playing clay: The dream of Nebucadnezar
Musical chairs
Later in the morning they got cooldrink and sweets.
looking for clues of the treasure hunt
Waiting in groups to start the games
Walking on cardboard avoiding the grass
The little ones(about 5-6 years) didn't want to do "boeresport"
Potato in a spoon
Balancing a matchbox on the feet
Dribbling a hockeyball
Hanging doll's clothes on a line
"Wolf, wolf, what is the time"
Everyday we closed off by saying “The Lord’s Prayer” together.
One of the members of the congregation, Marietjie Postma, and her son Ryno as well as Annemie and Leentjie Breytenbach helped me with the project. Without them it wouldn’t be possible to do this.
Marietjie Postma and Leentjie
What a wonderful opportunity it was to bring the Gospel to the children of Bethal and to remind them of the grace of the Lord through Jesus Christ!